Books, The Beach, & Manifesting


Travel far, pay no fare… A book can take you anywhere. ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Life was too confining, and I felt too small in the real world I inhabited when I was a child. I was a voracious reader, and books were my escape and pleasure. Perhaps it was a calling of my soul? In any case, in my bedroom holding a book, I transformed to a traveler and adventurer. The world was my oyster, and there was much to discover.

Flash forward many years, and I found myself traveling. It actually wasn’t something I planned. Life unfolded in such a way as to manifest my book-honed childhood dreams.

The title photo is one I took at Hat Maya, or Maya Beach, Thailand, a beach made famous in the 2000 movie “The Beach”. The water is really that color, as you will see if you go to this movie location link: The Beach 2000

The beach in my pic is a small one off to the right of THE beach in the movie. In actual fact, it is not seen at all in the film, and I was surprised to discover it when I traveled to the real deal. They also used clever camera angles in the movie to create the illusion of an enclosed bay. It’s really not. But illusion is a subject matter for a different day…

The real point being, be cognizant of your thoughts, because they really do eventually create your reality. What are you feeding your mind from your phone every day that is creating your future reality? Is it the life and world you want to see manifest eventually?

If you think of your life as a movie, you are both the star and the director. You have the power. Make it a good one!

© Susan L Hart 2023 |

10 thoughts on “Books, The Beach, & Manifesting

    1. Hart Inspirations Post author

      Thanks, Alegria. The big beach (the famous one) was crowded with tourists. I envied the couple who had found their way over to the small one in my photo. They had it all to themselves. They clearly were more adventurous and imaginative than the rest of us. Lol

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        1. Hart Inspirations Post author

          Yes, I know someone who has visited Italy, and the Sistine Chapel particularly was a huge disappointment for this reason. The funny thing is, my partner and I don’t usually go to the touristy places, but this trip to Phi Phi was a gift, and Maya Bay was nearby. It was most interesting because of having seen the movie, and observing how the site was manipulated on film to seem like something different.

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          1. Life with Alegria

            It actually is really interesting to watch a movie’s locale if you’ve been to the place. I discovered that when I watched Still Mine. The same place that was in my last video in St. Martins NB. I actually replayed a couple of scenes because I wanted to see the location. Although they didn’t in this movie, many movies manipulate the scenes so it looks different from the reality.

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